Page will load as shown:
Agent Data:
1. Select Agent from dropdown list
2. (Optional) Type Runner's name
3. Click "Confirm Agent Information" button (Will automatically open Client Validation tab)
Client Validation:
1. Type client's first name
2. Type client's last name
3. Enter client's Date of Birth
4. Click "Validate" button (Will automatically open Enrollment Data tab)
Enrollment Data:
1. Enter client's Social Security Number
2. Click grey check mark to validate (Will turn green when complete once successfully validated)
3. Select client's Sex from dropdown
4. Enter phone number if available
5. Enter client's email
6. Enter complete address
7. Click "Validate Client Address" button
8. Toggle on any of the applicable buttons for additional applicant information
9. Click "Confirm Enrollment Information" button (Will automatically open Employment Data tab)
Client Validation Error Examples:
If email is missing, you will receive the following error:
Solution: Enter email
If SSN does not match name, you will receive the following error:
Solution: Confirm SSN & re-type
If SSN input is not the appropriate length, you will receive the following error:
Solution: Confirm SSN & re-type
If client is under 18 years old, you will receive the following error:
Solution: Double check Date of Birth was entered correctly. If incorrect, adjust. If correct, you can not continue.
If client is over 65 years old, you will receive the following error:
Solution: Double check Date of Birth was entered correctly. If incorrect, adjust. If correct, you can not continue.
If client was submitted earlier than 30 days ago, you will receive the following:
Solution: Click Continue
If client has been submitted within the past 30 days, you will receive the following error & not be able to continue:
Spousal & Dependents tab will not appear unless those are toggled on
Employment Data:
1. Enter employer's name
2. Enter employer's phone number
3. Enter Income
4. Select income frequency from dropdown
5. Click "Confirm Employment Information" button (Will Automatically open Spousal or Dependent tab if applicable, otherwise it will automatically open Plan Information tab)
Employment Data Error Example:
If Employer name or income is missing, you will receive the following error
Solution: Enter Employer's name and income. If client is unemployed, enter Unemployed (neither field can not be left blank).
Plan Information:
1. Enter any applicable information if available
2. Click "Confirm Plan Information" button (Will automatically open Payment Information tab)
Payment Information:
1. Enter Plan & Payment information if applicable
2. Click "Confirm Payment Information" button (Will automatically open Additional Files tab)
Additional Files:
1. Upload Driver's license
2. Upload any additional files if applicable
3. Click "Confirm Additional Files" button (Will automatically open Finalize tab)
1. Add any additional notes if applicable
2. Sign in grey box
3. Click "Accept Signature: button
1. "Accept Signature" button will change to "Accepted" once complete
2. Confirm all disclosures have been read to client by clicking the check (Box will turn green to confirm selected)
3. Click "Submit" button
Button will change to Progress bar while submitting & state "Submission Complete" in the green bar once fully submitted
Click refresh button to clear forms & reload to input new client