Prerequisite: Sign into IMS
1. Enter agent's email address in Email Address box (Required)
*If this error is received, the email address is in an incorrect format. Please check & fix any errors, then try submitting again.
2. Enter agent's Phone Number in Phone Number box (Required)
*If this error is received, the phone number is in an incorrect format. Format should only include numbers without any parenthesis, hyphens, or spaces (Ex. 1234567890). Please check & fix any errors, then try submitting again.
3. Type agent's First name in First Name box (Required)
*If this error is received, the First Name is missing. Please ensure First Name has been entered, then try submitting again.
4. Type agent's Last Name in Last Name box (Required)
*If this error is received, the Last Name is missing. Please ensure Last Name has been entered, then try submitting again.
5. Click Choose File under Driver's License header to Upload Driver's license (Required)
*If this error is received, the Driver's License has not been uploaded. Please click Choose File on the Driver's License header & upload a valid Driver's License, then try submitting again.
6. Click choose file under Additional File Header if additional files need to be uploaded (Optional)
7. Select appropriate Team from the dropdown (Required)
*If this error is received, a Team has not been selected from the Select Team dropdown box. Please assign to the appropriate team, then try submitting again.
8. Once all required fields have been appropriately completed, click "Submit" button.